Friday, August 16, 2019

Stage 2 - anger

Like a heavy weighted blanket
I can feel you holding on to me
Like a weight strappend to my leg
I feel like im being pulled deeper into the sea

You were supposed to be my savior
My knight in shining armor
You were supposed to protect me
But you are like poison
Slowly seeping through my veins

You make me feel like im the one to blame
Like im the reason your life is down the drain
Like im the reason behind all your pain.
Im not that same girl I used to be,
Yes, i've changed
And no I am not weak.

I dimmed my glow
To let yoy shine
I hid my strengths
So you would feel like
You had it all.
But you've grown to resent me
You believe i'm the one
Who is holding you back.
And that is so wrong.

I wished for none of this.
I wished for joy
I wished for love
I wished for peace
I wished for you..
How stupid of me.